Monday, April 26, 2010

No Way!

So I think one big fear people have when doing the whole online dating thing is that you are going to see someone you know show up on your screen. Normally I might just laugh this off, but what happened this week was so hilarious I had to share it.

As some of you may know I work for a non-profit and part of my job is working with our young volunteers (young being 20's and 30's). I don't mind it when they are helpful and realize that our job is not to cater to them but to create great events that raise money for a good cause. There are some of these people that are so great and then there are some who treat us staff like nothing better than gum on their shoes. I am not kidding, it is a sense of entitlement and elitism I have never known.

Well, I am sure you can guess the of these gems showed up in my matches on! Imagine my horror and surprise! I didn't know what to do. I quickly clicked "no" that I was not interested in this person. And all I can hope for is that I don't show up in their search. I did mention this little incident to some of my co-workers. I won't lie, we had a big laugh over it (so much so that I was crying from laughing so hard). Obviously, this is not someone I think could be a match (even if he has gotten better with us over the years) and running into him at events will prove to be fun. I mean, now I will have to look better than ever!

1 comment:

mk said...

Wow! That's crazy. I've never been matched with a co-worker but I did see a guy I knew from work (but don't work with, thankfully!)

What a story.