Friday, May 14, 2010

What I Got for Mom

So Mother's Day just passed last weekend and I think I got my mom something very clever! Besides the Banana Republic shirts that my sisters and I got for her (which I am sure she loved), I went one step further in my quest to make my mom happy. I joined Jdate (again)!

Now, the main reason I didn't join before was because it was really so expensive. I mean, I am a nice Jewish girl working for a Jewish non-profit. I can't afford all these dating sites, events, and whatnot. But Jdate decided to run a special deal just for our Jewish mothers....half off! Seriously? Half off?! Okay sign me up! So, I did...six months at half off. Of course I told me mom about this gift and she has asked me everyday since if I am using it. "Are you using my Mother's Day present?" she always asks!

So far, I have signed on and taken a look around. I need to update my profile, I have no pictures of my new haircut which I need to add. And I really my accomplice to help me write me profile which is seriously out of date. Plus, doing the whole online thing is more fun with her anyway!

As for mom...I am going to be visiting her a few times this summer. Maybe we can use her gift together.


Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me!

DYAP said...

Awesome!! Keep me updated. Love you!