Monday, June 21, 2010

Guilt Trip

I was recently chatting with my accomplice about "Operation 3.1" and I realized I gave her a bit of a guilt trip. Lately I have been feeling like I am not sure what to do with this whole thing. I signed back onto Jdate and I have been checking it out. I have even e-mailed and IMed a few people. But it just isn't fun anymore and I realized that part of the reason for that is that my accomplice isn't really in on the act anymore. Now, don't get me wrong, I know she has her own life and things to do. I don't expect her to be online with me at all hours going through potential matches when she has a husband, a job, and two fun dogs to take care of. But I miss doing the whole process with her. That is part of what made it so much fun for me.
Going online and searching through all the profiles by myself isn't fun. My mom once told me I had to go on Jdate like it was a job and that is exactly how I am feeling (and for those of you who know how I feel about my job that is a clear indication of how much fun I am having). Looking for a date, a relationship, or just someone fun to hang out with shouldn't feel like a job, should it?
So, I am sorry Accomplice for the guilt trip (again possibly), but I had to share. I hope you read this and we can carve out some fun Jdating time. If not, my mom is coming to visit next week....


Dee Stephens said...

love that your Mom is getting in on the fun with you! not sure my Mom would be a good one for that! good luck!

accomplice said...

Gah! Accomplice here! Much like mammograms, sometimes online trolling for jewish dates isn't that much fun, but if your goal is to date more, it's a necessity. And it's my job as your best friend to stfu and just do it with you. As I said before, if I were single and living in the city, I'd drag you to do all sorts of stuff that you didn't find fun in order to find me a date. So, this is my job. Count me in.
Also, I'm sad to admit, I think that once we've found a mate, we (myself duly included) forget what it was like to not have one, and forget the importance that is placed on finding one. So, I'll get over my married self and be real and help you with whatever you need...consider me properly chastised.

Jules AF said...

You're Jewish? How fun! (I do realize this is kind of ironic haha.)
I know what it feels like to try and date in a small religious community. Ugh.

DYAP said...

Mom is right; you sort of do have to treat it like a job. Not your job really, but like your dream job! Laugh at the weird-os, drool over the hotties, and then find the right one for you!

rachaelgking said...

Hmmmmm. Maybe a new accomplice? ;-)