Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An Offer You Can't Refuse...

So, someone from S Factor read my blog post about the class I took a few weeks ago. First off, I was just so excited to see that they were reading, but then they sent me a special code for all of you readers. Just sign up for an introductory class and enter the code "littlematch09" and you'll get 50% off the class. So you'll be saving money, getting a great workout, and a self esteem boost! I really encourage all of you to try out an S Factor class as soon as you can!

Check them out! You can learn to do that....

And when you go, let me know what you thought.


Amber said...

I want to go but they're not around me! Bummer...the closest class like that is about an hour away!

MCW said...

Wow! What great deal! I may have to take advantage of that and prepare for my next date! haha

sfactor accomplice said...

Can we go again??? I want to swing around the pole again!