Thursday, August 13, 2009

Operation 3.0 is back...?

So, I realized that one month from today "Operation 3.0" will officially become "Operation 3.1" when I will celebrate my birthday. I also realized today that "F" is going through whatever he is going through and I need to move on. We spoke for a bit last night when he called to return my message. It was fine, although a bit of an awkward conversation. It is clear to me that he is unhappy with his job and is letting that permeate the other parts of his life. Well, that can be his choice, but I will now allow that to be mine. If "F" wants to see me again, he'll have to call and ask me out on a date. It will have to be starting from scratch. In the meantime, I am going back to while I have my free months and will be looking for new potential dates. I know it may seem sudden or callous, but I don't feel the need to wallow in something that it seems really has nothing to do with me and I am willing to see what happens. But until he can get it together (or if he can get it together) "Operation 3.0" will be moving forward...


Anonymous said...

Like you said, it does seem sort of sudden, but sitting around and waiting for him to figure out whatever seems like a lost cause at this point. Weeks have gone by without any meaningful contact from him and you have tried to reach out. Good luck with your search but don't slam the door on him if he does come knocking again in the future.

Accomplice said...

Operation 3.0 is about to become Operation 3.1-same program, but with a better operating system!
And also, you're right. You've done your part. If he wants to reach out, you can give him another shot, but no need to be hanging around waiting for him like a lost puppy.

DYAP said...

I agree. Don't wait around for him, but don't push him away!! He may have just needed some time to figure things out on his own. xoxo

MCW said...

Move on. He seems like a flake...not worth your time. If he really wants to work on it then he WILL call. If not, then he is totally not even worth it...

Anonymous said...

Hi it's Sharon. I am with you 100%. Good for you for not wallowing and for moving on with your life.

Anonymous said...

HIS loss...he is so not worth it if he can't see how great you truly are!