Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Not only is that the name of the (mediocre) restaurant from last night but it is also the way I felt about last night's date. We decided to meet at 7 and within the first few minutes I knew this was not a match and I couldn't wait to go home. The only word I can use to describe my date with J is: awkward. It was like he didn't really know how to make conversation and I had to steer the whole thing. I was really trying to be open and excited about this date, but I just couldn't. I know this isn't someone for me (I mean, a vegetarian would not fit in my steak loving family!). At the end of dinner he asked if I wanted to go grab a drink somewhere and I politely declined. Does this mean he thinks the date went well? I guess that answers my question from yesterday's post (one person can have a totally different date experience than the other).

Speaking of yesterday's post, after my rant and venting I got a message from M when I walked in the door. He apologized for not being in contact (granted it was only 24 hours and I may have been bordering the line to Crazy Town) and asked if I would like to get together this weekend. So now we have a date set up for Friday night, one I am actually looking forward to!


Dee Stephens said...

i hate those dates were you wish you had never even said 'yes'. ughh.
Can't wait to hear about the date this weekend!

I'maNolaGirl said...

I'm excited to hear about how this weekend's date goes too!! Do you know where you'll be going yet??

Little Match Girl said...

Oh! And I should have added that we split the check. I know we are in modern times and after a date or two I don't mind splitting or even treating, but the first date? I still think the man should pay...

The Frisky Virgin said...

Ugh, I hate the blah date!! There is nothing quite so disappointing as having the hope drained from a date when you realize it isn't a match. :(

On the plus side...hurray for Friday's date!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

MCW said...

If he accepts someone offering to split the check he isn't worth it. Nope...not at all.
A Friday night date is a great sign!

mk said...

Thanks for your comment! It is good to know I'm not alone. You're on the UWS right? We should get coffee or drinks sometime and share stories. E-mail me at flipflopsonlex [at] gmail [dot] com if you'd like! -M

DYAP said...

WOOHOO!! Can't wait to hear about Friday!! Love you!