Monday, August 23, 2010

M is for....


I had a great trip. I met with the head of an organization that I want to work for (and have wanted to work for since I was a teenager). He seemed very optimistic and told me that they are so early in the process there are no other candidates and that he wants to advocate for me! So needless to say, I am very excited about this opportunity. But I am not putting the cart before the horse. I still got to work at 9 AM (about 30-45 minutes before almost everyone else!). I am still doing the work that my job right now asks of me and am not slacking off. They would like to have someone in the position by January and I am really hoping that someone is me! Besides this being professionally just an amazing opportunity, this program is something that was very close to my grandfather's heart and getting the opportunity to be a part of it would make him so very proud.

M is also for....well, M. He and I tried to make plans this past weekend for when I got back but just couldn't figure out our schedules. He is traveling again for work this week but said he will touch base to set something up. We shall see. I did not tell him why I was going to Miami, I just said it was a work thing. I just want to enjoy dating him (and other people too) while I am here. If something is meant to be it will be (thanks Mom!) and I am not going to force it nor am I going to squash it by telling him I may be leaving.

M is also for...More Dates! I talked to E last week and we are going to set something up for this week. I'll be giving him a call tonight. Saturday I spoke to J from the matchmaking site. He seemed like a nice guy although I was a bit bored on the phone. He wanted to meet for lunch since our offices are so close to each other. I'll probably give him a call tonight to set that up as well. So, who knows? This may just be the "Operation's" busiest week ever!


Dee Stephens said...

yes, I wouldn't say anything to M about Miami either.
I made a big mistake with a great guy in Vegas doing that.
He looked at me one morning(as I was on the phone interviewing for a job here East)and asked. "What are you doing??"
That was the beginning of the end. The next girl he dated after me he married.
I'll cross my fingers for the job girlfriend!

MCW said...

You are certainly busy...Hope things work out just the way you want!

The Frisky Virgin said...

You have the perfect outlook. You're handling M (the man) perfectly. Mom is always right--If it's meant to be, it will be.